Launching the Safety Pool™ Scenario Database. Learn More
The global reference scenario database for ADS testing, validation, and certification. Informed by industry needs, embraced by regulators, and recognized by governments worldwide.
Credit-based access to the largest public store of scenarios for testing automated vehicles is now live!
Inform ADS policies and pave the way towards ADS certification
Access a set of curated driving scenarios for testing and validation
Advance scenario based ADS testing and validation methodologies
The Safety Pool™ Scenario Database is powered by
WMG, University of Warwick and Deepen AI
The Scenario Database contains a diverse set of curated scenarios generated from multiple sources such as expert knowledge, accident database and naturalistic data
The Scenario Description Language utilizes a two level of abstraction approch to be adopted and understood by different stakeholders
Scenarios are organized and tagged based on their specific Operational Design Domain following the BSI PAS 1883 ODD Taxonomy and the ASAM Open ODD standard under development
Discover which real world routes could match specific ODD-based scenario instances
Contribute and access more scenarios based on a tokenized incentive-based scheme. Get Access to curated scenarios that match the value of your contribution
Visualize scenarios on CARLA, derive and execute test cases on multiple simulation platforms
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