Launching the Safety Pool™ Scenario Database. Learn More
The Safety Pool™ Initiative was founded by Deepen AI and WMG, University of Warwick, UK. It
is as the sister initiative of the World Economic Forum Safe Drive Initiative, whose goal is to design
and deliver a policy framework for the global safety assessment of Automated Driving Systems.
Safety Pool™ mission is to unite stakeholders from industry, academia, and policymaking all around the world under a common ecosystem that bolsters transparent, certifiable safety for Automated Driving Systems.
Safety Pool™ also strives to bridge the gap between industry, academia, and policymaking by leading the research and fostering the development of common description languages, standards and mediums that allow for a meaningful exchange of technical information and artefacts across all the different stakeholders worldwide.
The first step towards Safety Pool™ mission is the creation of the Safety Pool™ Scenario Database. The database of curated driving scenarios shared across stakeholders and geographies, where organizations can exchange, research, test, benchmark scenarios and use the insights to inform the making of policy and regulatory guidelines.
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